Information for English
Since the manual of the English version, download service of software, etc. are performed,
please use these document and software..
Assembly Instructions for Robots
Motion Software and Manual for Robots

HeartToHeart4(HTH4) manual in English
Software and Manual for Servo

Note:These link are other page in our site. Please read document and download file.

Software and Manual for PC Communication
You must use this driver when connecting products to PC by USB.

*Please download this zip file and unzip file.
This Zip file include these files as below:
KO Driver 2015 folder
KO_Driver2015_InstallManual.pdf (Japanese document)
*Please install driver to your PC by manual.
Note: English manual are temporary version.
Some screen shot are Japanese.

Old Products
HearttoHeart Ver1.1 forEnglish
KHR-1 Control software for windows PC. You can create KHR-1 motion etc.
KHR-1 SoftwareManual for English
HearttoHeart Ver1.1 English Manual.
KHR-1 HardwareManual for English
It is the assembly description of KHR-1. From an assembly to the method of initial setting is explained.